the Pfeiffer Pfiles Presents....the Art Work of Artist Fred Pfeiffer

Fred Pfeiffer was an American Artist
He worked as an Illustrator out of N.Y.N.Y. and
L.A. CA. in the late 60's thru the 70's and into the 80's

Monday, February 7, 2011

Fred Pfeiffer : the Memory of Eva Ryker - 1979

by Donald A. Stanwood
Pfeiffer does the Titanic

Murder aboard the ship.
Fred working in blue. He liked
rendering characters in this
color and did it several times.


1 comment:

Courtney Rogers said...

Thanks to the article and photo in Illustration #32, I had the name for this book. I looked it up on eBay and found who the author was. The book appeared to have a step-back cover, but I still was not sure it was correct.

I went over to a local used bookstore and found it!