the Pfeiffer Pfiles Presents....the Art Work of Artist Fred Pfeiffer

Fred Pfeiffer was an American Artist
He worked as an Illustrator out of N.Y.N.Y. and
L.A. CA. in the late 60's thru the 70's and into the 80's

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vincent Di Fate : IInfinite Worlds

    We here at the Pfeiffer Pfiles want to say thanks to Mr. Di Fate. In his book Infinite Worlds he chose to feature Fred Pfeiffer along with many other great artists and illustrators.  His book was the only source of info on Fred Pfeiffer I have ever found.

   Fred's art, technique and style was talked about in a few paragraphs that I must have read a hundred times. His piece on Fred was also where I learned that Fred Pfeiffer was dead by his own hand.

   We are thrilled to have been in touch with Mr. Di Fate and will share his further thoughts on Fred in a future post. Thanks again Vincent Di Fate for your great book Infinite Worlds and for remembering Fred.


1 comment:

Rob Weilert said...

I wish to thank Mr. Di Fate as well for his important role in helping to rescue the name of Fred Pfeiffer from what might've been "illustrator oblivion". There's no question that INFINITE WORLDS saved Fred from obscurity. Thank you so much Mr. Di Fate.