the Pfeiffer Pfiles Presents....the Art Work of Artist Fred Pfeiffer

Fred Pfeiffer was an American Artist
He worked as an Illustrator out of N.Y.N.Y. and
L.A. CA. in the late 60's thru the 70's and into the 80's

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fred Pfeiffer : Dragonard Blood - Spotlight


Courtney Rogers said...

Once again, there is quite alot to look at in this Pfeiffer illo. The cat always stood out for me in this one.

I guess people must have been fond of reading plantation and slave stories in the 70's.

Rob Weilert said...

The cat stands out for me too, as I am very fond of felines. Have four myself, all quite old now, but very loyal and affectionate.

I too have noticed that there seemed to be an over-abundance of paperbacks in the 70's dwelling on the subject of slavery in its various forms, just as the 1950's featured a lot of paperback sleaze on street gangs and juvenile delinquency.

I've always loved art and at one time wanted very much to become an illustrator like Fred, but I was too turned off by the "kind" of literature that seemed to make up the bulk of the paperback market back then (and maybe even today...I haven't looked lately). Instead, I turned to comic book art, but I've always put my cousin Fred on a pedestal and looked up to him as the one who first got me interested in art.