the Pfeiffer Pfiles Presents....the Art Work of Artist Fred Pfeiffer

Fred Pfeiffer was an American Artist
He worked as an Illustrator out of N.Y.N.Y. and
L.A. CA. in the late 60's thru the 70's and into the 80's

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fred Pfeiffer : Vida - 1985 - Update

by Marge Piercy
This cover was already featured here
on the Pfiles, but that was a cover
that was small and captured on the
internet. Courtney found us one and
got a good scan of it. Here it is one more

I like both covers as we have an artist
proof  of this one as well that is different
Since we have never seen the one from the
proof published, we would have to determine that
Fred was asked to change it or he didn't like the one
he did to start with.


Courtney Rogers said...

This book copy is the second Fawcett printing from January 1985. The 1st Fawcett paperback printing was June 1981, and that 1st print seems to be going for bigger money on the internet.

I am assuming that the cover proof is from the 1st print. The price of the book was $2.95 compared to $3.95 for the 2nd print.

Courtney Rogers said...

At first glance, comparing this cover with the cover proof, it looks to be a close-up of the girl with the man cut out.

Closer scrutiny shows that this cover is a completely different painting. The girl's face and hair are subtly changed, the cut of the jacket and her blouse is varied, the flames on the paper are different, and a chain link fence replace the figure of the man.