the Pfeiffer Pfiles Presents....the Art Work of Artist Fred Pfeiffer

Fred Pfeiffer was an American Artist
He worked as an Illustrator out of N.Y.N.Y. and
L.A. CA. in the late 60's thru the 70's and into the 80's

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fred Pfeiffer : A Stitch In Time - Back Cover and Credit

The back cover blurb and
Credit to Fred Pfeiffer for the
Cover Illustration.

1 comment:

Courtney Rogers said...

Pfeiffer had done work with Pyramid in the late 60's and early 70's. The beauty of these books is that sometimes they state "Cover: Pfeiffer" on the back, just like this one does.

I found my first Pyramid Pfeiffer in Uncle Edgar's Mystery bookstore in Minneapolis. Like this book, the back cover stated "Cover: Pfeiffer". So on older Pyramid books, that is where I look.